Post by bobdavis on Feb 2, 2015 18:48:57 GMT -8
Going back to ancient history, Pacific Electric started number sequences with "00" and LA Railway started with "01", thus we have 1201 and 1450 (the alpha and omega of the "H" class cars, and 3001 and 3165 (the beginning and end of PCC car numbers) at Orange Empire. On the PE side we have 1000, which became an officers' car early in its PE service and 1001, which is from the same order but was in regular service until it became a non-revenue car in 1948. The PE replica cars at San Pedro are 500 and 501.
Post by bobdavis on Feb 27, 2015 2:55:44 GMT -8
Has anybody seen the new cars running on the Green Line for testing? Any pix?
Post by joshuanickel on Feb 27, 2015 10:49:38 GMT -8
Has anybody seen the new cars running on the Green Line for testing? Any pix? There is this video from when it started back in November: Video: www.facebook.com/video.php?v=395657520584150I believe that most of the testing is going on at night after hours which is why you may not see a lot of photos of it happening. I do know that there is not two trains at the green line division 1001 and 1002. Those are the two pilot cars. It was said that if testing goes well on those, then production would start in June with four cars delivered each month.
Post by darrell on Feb 27, 2015 23:36:19 GMT -8
Post by bobdavis on Feb 28, 2015 2:51:37 GMT -8
Thanks for the photos--looks like they're testing for compatibility with the Siemens cars.
Post by darrell on Feb 28, 2015 15:25:08 GMT -8
Dwight emailed me in reply, "They Were Just Using the Siemens Car in Place of a High Rail Truck at that is Out on gold Line at the time of these Photos." I was wondering about that too, will they finally pair dis-similar cars, but I guess not.
Post by skater on Mar 3, 2015 11:32:37 GMT -8
Dwight emailed me in reply, "They Were Just Using the Siemens Car in Place of a High Rail Truck at that is Out on gold Line at the time of these Photos." I was wondering about that too, will they finally pair dis-similar cars, but I guess not. I didn't know it was possible to pair dis-similar cars, so I was really surprised to see that in this photo. So I'm guessing they are testing it first on the green line, because the green line has no grade crossings.
Post by johanragle on Mar 3, 2015 12:56:39 GMT -8
I'm pretty sure they cannot actually drive dissimilar cars in operation, but they can mechanically couple practically any cars. I wouldn't be surprised if you could use an LRV to push a flatbed car - just not entirely sure why you would want to do so.
Post by bobdavis on Mar 4, 2015 0:47:19 GMT -8
Out at Orange Empire, we once used the Key System Bridge Unit to move a flatcar--not too difficult because the MU couplers had been replaced with standard railroad coupler for the trip south from the Bay Area. Pacific Electric had their 1200-class with both GE and Westinghouse control systems, but they could be run in mix and match trains with no apparent difficulty. Likewise, the "Blimps" had the 300-class with Westinghouse and the 400 class with GE, and they would work together.
But with today's LRVs being probably an order of magnitude more complex, getting two different types to work together is a whole different ball game, although, as I recall, the original spec for the Breda cars called for them to MU with the older cars.
Post by Gokhan on Mar 10, 2015 10:17:58 GMT -8
They have started clearance testing of the P3010 pilot cars on the Blue and Expo Lines.
I hope they are on schedule with testing because the production needs to start soon.
Post by Gokhan on Mar 11, 2015 11:10:12 GMT -8
Post by joshuanickel on Apr 10, 2015 21:17:11 GMT -8
Metro is recomending to approve this month to proceed with going forward with the last two option order on the P3010 contract for another 60 cars. With this order and the other two orders for 78 and 97 cars, this will bring the total up to 235 cars. Here is the board report: PROCURE 60 OPTION P3010 LIGHT RAIL VEHICLESOne thing to note in the report is according to the chart on page 11, starting in FY2023, they will be short 11 rail cars. With this being the last option order on the P3010 kinkisharyo contract, they will need to issue a new RFP to purchase cars for this shortage, projects scheduled to open after FY2023 and any potential new project that may come up from the potential ballot measure next year.
Post by joshuanickel on Apr 13, 2015 14:14:53 GMT -8
Car number 1003 has been delivered to the gold line division 21. This is the first of the production cars. Cars 1001 and 1002 were considered pilot cars. Now that they are in production, they should be delivered at 4 cars per month, so we will see 3 more cars this month which would be 1004, 1005, and 1006.
Post by masonite on Apr 13, 2015 14:36:19 GMT -8
Car number 1003 has been delivered to the gold line division 21. This is the first of the production cars. Cars 1001 and 1002 were considered pilot cars. Now that they are in production, they should be delivered at 4 cars per month, so we will see 3 more cars this month which would be 1004, 1005, and 1006. Nice, I noticed the new Gold Line Maintenance Facility will open in June. Also, the Expo Line Facility is supposed to begin accepting vehicles in September. That should hopefully ease the burden on Metro Operations for getting these cars ready for actual testing and then eventual use.
Post by joshuanickel on Apr 13, 2015 16:12:17 GMT -8
Car number 1003 has been delivered to the gold line division 21. This is the first of the production cars. Cars 1001 and 1002 were considered pilot cars. Now that they are in production, they should be delivered at 4 cars per month, so we will see 3 more cars this month which would be 1004, 1005, and 1006. Nice, I noticed the new Gold Line Maintenance Facility will open in June. Also, the Expo Line Facility is supposed to begin accepting vehicles in September. That should hopefully ease the burden on Metro Operations for getting these cars ready for actual testing and then eventual use. Actually, due to delays in the construction, substantial completion of the Expo maintenance facility is now estimated for October. Keep in mind the original completion date was in May. Here is the monthly project update: Expo is on pages 15 and 16. Project Budget and Schedule Status Report
Post by masonite on Apr 13, 2015 16:59:44 GMT -8
Nice, I noticed the new Gold Line Maintenance Facility will open in June. Also, the Expo Line Facility is supposed to begin accepting vehicles in September. That should hopefully ease the burden on Metro Operations for getting these cars ready for actual testing and then eventual use. Actually, due to delays in the construction, substantial completion of the Expo maintenance facility is now estimated for October. Keep in mind the original completion date was in May. Here is the monthly project update: Expo is on pages 15 and 16. Project Budget and Schedule Status ReportYep, that very report discusses the plan to have the Facility accept rail vehicles in Sept. and substantially complete the Facility in Oct.
Post by joshuanickel on Apr 13, 2015 17:30:07 GMT -8
Actually, due to delays in the construction, substantial completion of the Expo maintenance facility is now estimated for October. Keep in mind the original completion date was in May. Here is the monthly project update: Expo is on pages 15 and 16. Project Budget and Schedule Status ReportYep, that very report discusses the plan to have the Facility accept rail vehicles in Sept. and substantially complete the Facility in Oct. Yes, you are right. I must of missed that part of the report.
Post by bobdavis on Sept 3, 2015 23:53:57 GMT -8
1005, 1006 and 1007 are at the Monrovia Operations Campus as of last month. I'll go over there next week to see if any new units have joined the fleet. When Metro takes over the main line on the 23rd, that may be when they will start testing the new cars.
Post by bluelineshawn on Oct 1, 2015 5:37:14 GMT -8
So it's October now. Are P3010's being accepted yet? Expo yard substantial completion this month?
Post by Gokhan on Oct 1, 2015 12:18:10 GMT -8
So it's October now. Are P3010's being accepted yet? Expo yard substantial completion this month? Expo Line Stewart St/Exposition Blvd yard should be completed in about a month. P3010s have been delayed due to many change orders, which could push the Expo opening date to Summer 2016.
Post by John Ryan on Oct 2, 2015 12:03:56 GMT -8
So it's October now. Are P3010's being accepted yet? Expo yard substantial completion this month? Expo Line Stewart St/Exposition Blvd yard should be completed in about a month. P3010s have been delayed due to many change orders, which could push the Expo opening date to Summer 2016. Damn
Post by darrell on Oct 2, 2015 17:58:21 GMT -8
Good timing: Patrick Preusser, new Metro Executive Officer, Rail Operations, was guest today at the Metro Citizens Advisory Council. I asked him how the new cars are doing. He said they have 8 so far, divided between the Green and Gold Lines, and they're doing well.
Post by bluelineshawn on Oct 2, 2015 18:55:06 GMT -8
Expo Line Stewart St/Exposition Blvd yard should be completed in about a month. P3010s have been delayed due to many change orders, which could push the Expo opening date to Summer 2016. Damn Thanks for the update.
Post by bluelineshawn on Oct 2, 2015 18:56:25 GMT -8
In regular service? I haven't seen them on the green line and I ride about 6 times a week. Maybe I need to pay more attention.
Post by bluelineshawn on Oct 2, 2015 18:57:40 GMT -8
Good timing: Patrick Preusser, new Metro Executive Officer, Rail Operations, was guest today at the Metro Citizens Advisory Council. I asked him how the new cars are doing. He said they have 8 so far, divided between the Green and Gold Lines, and they're doing well. In regular service? I haven't seen them on the green line. Maybe I need to pay more attention.
Post by Gokhan on Oct 2, 2015 22:35:49 GMT -8
Good timing: Patrick Preusser, new Metro Executive Officer, Rail Operations, was guest today at the Metro Citizens Advisory Council. I asked him how the new cars are doing. He said they have 8 so far, divided between the Green and Gold Lines, and they're doing well. In regular service? I haven't seen them on the green line. Maybe I need to pay more attention. They were supposed to deliver 24 by now but only seven or eight have been delivered and none in the last month because of many change orders. As a result, some at Metro are predicting a June opening for Expo.
Post by darrell on Oct 3, 2015 12:31:13 GMT -8
In regular service? I haven't seen them on the green line. Maybe I need to pay more attention. They were supposed to deliver 24 by now but only seven or eight have been delivered and none in the last month because of many change orders. As a result, some at Metro are predicting a June opening for Expo. Testing off-peak, if I remember, not regular service.
Post by bobdavis on Oct 22, 2015 14:48:07 GMT -8
I spotted 1009 at the Monrovia facility (Metro Division 24) last week, so they are starting to move the production along. But so far I haven't seen any running, although 1009 did have its pan up.
Post by bobdavis on Dec 16, 2015 1:39:30 GMT -8
We're up to 1012 in the Monrovia (Division 24) yard now; since the lowest number is 1003, that makes 9 or 10 (there may be a gap--and sometimes one or more of the cars is inside a shop building). So far, I haven't seen any of the KS cars active, but another observer did catch one of them moving around the yard.
Post by Gokhan on Dec 16, 2015 15:29:25 GMT -8
I think they will give all of them to Expo Line once the Stewart Street Yard is completed in early January.